
All camper applications are due by NOVEMBER 15TH - NO EXCEPTIONS

What are the requirements to participate in VACC Camp?

  • Campers must be cognitive and have some means of communication with others.
  • Campers must have a trache and/or be vent dependent, c-pap or bi-pap, and/or oxygen dependent.
  • Age for overnight camper (or their siblings) 4 years to 21 years by camp dates.

Camp Schedule

2025 VACC Camp will be held March 21-28th

March 21st will be setup only, there are no activities for campers. This is a sample of activities from last year's camp, activities will be similar. Come back in November to see the schedule for the 2025 Camp.


Day Camper Application


Each camper MUST be accompanied at all times by a designated experienced caretaker (a parent, other adult family member, or nurse).

Download the Day Camper Application. (5 pages)


Sleepover Camper Application


Each camper MUST be accompanied at all times by a designated experienced caretaker (a parent, other adult family member, or nurse). 

Download the Sleepover Camper Application. (10 pages).

Please remember to fill out forms for the companion.


Companion Application


To comply with the State of Florida requirements, the home care nurse or respiratory therapist accompanying the camper must fill out this application.

Download the Companion Application. (5 pages)


Shake-A-Leg Consent Form


This consent form is needed for EACH person attending the camp.

Download the Shake a Leg Consent form.