Campers > Camp Schedule

Camp Schedule

2025 VACC Camp will be held March 21-28th

2025 VACC CAMP WILL BE HELD MARCH 21ST THROUGH MARCH 28TH.  March 21st will be setup only, there are no activities for campers.

Print the Schedule (PDF).


Saturday, March 22nd

8:30 AM Buffet breakfast
9:30 AM Set-up /volunteer teams’ meetings
10:00 AM Paint tote bags
12:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Wildlife Show
4:00 PM Characters - show
5:30 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Welcome - introductions Dr. Franco, instructions for families
8:00 PM Everyone leaves

Sunday, March 23rd

8:00 AM Buffet breakfast
9:00 AM Load Buses/Travel to Shake-A-Leg
10:00 AM Sailing and entertainment
12:00 PM Lunch at Shake-A-Leg
1:30 PM Sailing and entertainment
3:30 PM Load buses to go to park
4:30 PM Spontaneous Karaoke
5:30 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Luau show
8:00 PM Everyone leaves

Monday, March 24th

8:00 AM Buffet breakfast
9:30 AM Therapy dogs
11:30 AM Prepare for group photo
12:00 PM Group Photo
12:30 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Home Depot event for kids
4:00 PM Prepare for movie
5:30 PM Camp dinner
5:30 PM Parents night out
6:30 PM Movie night at camp
8:30 PM Everyone leaves

Tuesday, March 25th

8:00 AM Buffet breakfast
9:00 AM Load Buses / Travel to the Beach
10:00 AM Swim and sunbathe
12:30 PM Lunch at Nikki Beach
1:30 PM Music, fun and games
3:30 PM Load buses - Go back to Camp
4:30 PM Dinner (take out whoever wants to leave)
5:30 PM Dinner (whoever stays eats at the park)
6:00-6:30 PM Everyone leaves

Wednesday, March 26th

8:00 AM Buffet breakfast
9:00 AM Load buses/ travel to Bowling
10:00 AM Play bowling
11:50 AM Lunch at Bowling
12:30 PM Load buses go back to camp
2:00 PM Pool at the park
4:00 PM Showers
5:30 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Line dancing
8:30 PM Everyone leaves

Thursday, March 27th

8:00 AM Buffet breakfast
9:00 AM Load Buses/ Travel to Bayside
10:00 AM Shopping at Bayside
12:00 PM Lunch at Hard Rock
2:15 PM Load Buses / Return to Camp
4:00 PM CARNIVAL - Games & Prizes
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Farewell
10:00 PM Everyone leaves

Friday, March 28th

9:00 AM Volunteers start breaking down the camp
10:00 AM CAMPERS LEAVE. Volunteers continue working (tent, chairs, tables picked up)
12:00 PM Lunch for volunteers only
1:00 PM Continue breakdown and transporting to warehouse
4:30 PM Volunteers leave camp (it may be earlier if we finish)