Campers > Camp Schedule

Camp Schedule

2024 VACC Camp will be held March 22-29th

2025 VACC CAMP WILL BE HELD MARCH 21ST THROUGH MARCH 28TH.  March 21st will be setup only, there are no activities for campers.
This is a sample of activities from last year's camp, activities will be similar. Come back in November 2024 to see the schedule for the 2025 Camp.

Coming soon: Print the Schedule (PDF).



8:30 AM Buffet breakfast
9:30 AM Set-up /volunteer teams’ meetings
10:00 AM Paint tote bags
12:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Bingo - prizes
4:00 PM Characters - show
5:30 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Welcome - introductions Dr. Franco, instructions for families
8:00 PM Everyone leaves


8:00 AM Buffet breakfast
9:00 AM Load Buses/Travel to Shake-A-Leg
10:00 AM Sailing and entertainment
12:00 PM Lunch at Shake-A-Leg
1:30 PM Sailing and entertainment
3:30 PM Load buses to go to park
4:30 PM Spontaneous Karaoke
5:30 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Luau show
8:00 PM Everyone leaves


8:00 AM Buffet breakfast
9:30 AM Therapy dogs
10:30 AM Wildlife Show
11:30 AM Prepare for group photo
12:00 PM Group Photo
12:30 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Home Depot event for kids
4:00 PM Prepare for movie
5:30 PM Camp dinner
5:30 PM Parents night out
6:30 PM Movie night at camp
8:30 PM Everyone leaves


8:00 AM Buffet breakfast
9:00 AM Load Buses / Travel to the Beach
10:00 AM Swim and sunbathe
12:30 PM Lunch at Nikki Beach
1:30 PM Music, fun and games
3:30 PM Load buses - Go back to Camp
4:30 PM Dinner (take out whoever wants to leave)
5:30 PM Dinner (whoever stays eats at the park)
6:00-6:30 PM Everyone leaves


8:00 AM Buffet breakfast
9:00 AM Load buses/ travel to Bowling
10:00 AM Play bowling
11:50 AM Lunch at Bowling
12:30 PM Load buses go back to camp
2:00 PM Scavenger Hunt
5:30 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Line dancing
8:00 PM Everyone leaves


7:45 AM Buffet breakfast
8:45 AM Load Buses/ Travel to Bayside
10:00 AM Board the Bayside Lady for a Cruise
12:00 PM Lunch at Hard Rock
2:00 PM Shopping at Bayside
3:30 PM Load Buses / Return to Camp
4:30 PM CARNIVAL - Games & Prizes
6:30 PM Dinner
9:30 PM Everyone leaves


8:00 AM Buffet breakfast - Packing and inventory
9:00 AM Volunteers start breakdown
10:00 AM Farewell event
12:00 PM Grab lunch to go
1:00 PM Camper’s departures
1:30 PM Continue breakdown
4:30 PM Volunteers leave camp (it may be earlier if we finish)